All posts tagged "Straight men"

  • Sleeping Men

    Sleeping Kick Boxer Zach

    I met Zach at a kickboxing event that a friend of mine–a sensei I knew from a fairly big dojo not far from my house–had . . .

  • Sleeping Men

    Sleeping Lifeguard Evan – Daytime

    I’m sure you all remember the recent video of college swimmer Evan. He came by on afternoon to hang out and talk about martial arts–he . . .

  • Men Sleeping

    Sleeping Lifeguard Evan – Daytime

    Sleeping lifeguard Evan is a college swimmer with a big cock and fit lifeguard body. Just added...

  • Sleeping Men

    USMC Marine Daniel

    Daniel is a straight military guy I discovered at one of the local coffee joints. I’d gone in to get a latte and instantly noticed . . .

  • Men Sleeping

    Big Dick Joey

    Joey is a straight man with a thick coke. Just added...

  • Sleeping Men

    Big Cock Sleeper Remy

    I do judo instruction part-time down at the gym, and give rare private lessons in the small dojo which is actually the back half of . . .

  • Men Sleeping Party

    Canadian Party Boy Keith

    Party boy Keith was filmed by my Canadian friend at daybreak while Keith was still asleep.

  • Men Sleeping

    USMC Marine James

    USMC marine James sleeping naked and getting hard!