Good man
I first ran into Casey at a local bar that was holding a pool tournament. The place was packed with players and spectators but that . . .
Just Added - 19 year old sleeping fratboy Casey!
Sleeping surfer Wes has such smooth skin and hard muscles. He slept like a rock after a long hard day of surfing.
Our local handyman Hayden is hot and one of the neighbor girls says he's hung like a horse! Once I heard that he was hung . . .
Josh is a local neighborhood straight guy stud that I met through my neighbor Lucas. Wow this straight guy has a thick cock!
With most straight guys, if you mention beer and a TV that actually works, getting them to cum over to your place so they can . . .
I ran into some great fortune one night as I met smoking hot, Australian tourist Dave. As is normal with folks from that part of . . .
Brian is a really hot guy. Well muscled from his job, he could pass for a football or rugby player. He’s got broad shoulders . . .