Naked Men

  • Sleeping Basketball Player Ashton

    This video was submitted by a new member and I was given specific instructions to post it on the site, along with the following information . . .

  • Heavy Cummer Coho

    Coho is an Irish backpacker I met roadside when I was in Australia. When I first saw him he was sitting on a rock shirtless, sporting . . .

  • Thick Cock Scotty

    Scotty is a motorcycle racer I met through our friend, Mitch who set up the meeting at a local sports bar where the beers are . . .

  • Big Dick Joey

    Joey is a New Jersey straight man, 18 and a meat delivery guy. He’s in his last few months of high school and he’s well . . .

  • Sleeping Surfer Wes

    As I’m sure you remember, I picked up DJ when I was at the beach with a buddy watching his stuff while he surfed. Well . . .

  • Handyman Sleep Seduction Hayden

    Hayden is our local fix-it guy. If it’s broken, from something on your car, to the plumbing in your house, to that pesky PC that . . .

  • Fat Cock Josh

    Josh is a friend of my next door neighbor Lucas’ and that’s how I met him. It seems Josh and his girlfriend had gone over . . .

  • Construction Worker Brian

    Brian is a really hot guy.  Well muscled from his job, he could pass for a football or rugby player. He’s got broad shoulders and . . .