So I failed last night at completing Samuals’ night vision seduction. We both drank a LOT. He’s 19, but I’m here at my Australia property in Queensland and the legal drinking age is 18. I did film him while he was asleep, and you do get to see his perfect uncut cock! His cock skin was smooth and soft.
I will get Samual in his sleep and complete the deed. I might have failed this time, but I succeeded in getting him wasted and him letting me take pics of him in his skivvies. He always walks around my place in his skivvies so taking pics of him doing it and getting wasted was the next logical step right? He was watching a couple go at it on my computer while drinking gin and orange juice. He got excited too. I’ve posted some video of my first attempt. I have since succeeded and will post the action next week.

your green on black is though to see and read, without getting right next to the screen. great looking stuff, tho. IV