Name: Josh Age: 23 Video: 25 Mins
Take 21 year old Eric. Now this guy is hot and I mean hot. I can’t really remember how we met because I got plastered that night, but when he came over and we sat around watching the tube, drinking beers, it was an evening I knew I wanted to share with everyone.
Sure he was a bit uncomfortable at first but you know, beer helps remove that, even for me. I’m not very confident without one or two brews. Still Eric was a treat and I can close my eyes right now and see him stretched out there, sleeping like a perfect angel.
Gawd the way he let his one hand caress his own chest, how could I not summon up the nerve to reach out and help him? It was like he wanted to be held, to be showed how perfect he looked when sleeping. Maybe not in the conscious thoughts but look at him. See how his face was asking for someone to just run the back of their hand down his soft cheeks?
I know its crazy, dangerous even some might say, but come on, the look alone spoke volumes. It really was what he wanted to, or at least what he dreamed of, just like me. So I reached out, so I felt the warmth of his body as my hands moved across his bare legs and reached for the groin. It wasn’t like he wasn’t dreaming of something like that, I mean the way his cock was so hard, so stiff inside those shorts. How could you not want to run your fingers along that burning pole of passion?
The heart pumps a lot faster too, and you try to keep holding your breath because you don’t want to wake him up, least not yet. I mean if you wake him up when he’s almost ready to shoot, you can count on him not letting you stop. There are exceptions but you get that moment, that special instant when he was sleeping, is now awake, and then wham, he’s groaning as his body shakes, shudders and spurts.